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Paraa School Reaps Big from 2014 Fishing Tournament

Paraa School Reaps Big from 2014 Fishing Tournament


An assortment of scholastic and construction materials donated to Paraa Primary School in Murchison Falls National Park by the Murchison Falls Invitation Fishing Tournament 2014.

In June, representatives of the annual Murchison Falls Invitational Fishing Tournament (MFIFT) handed over scholastic materials to the Paraa School in Murchison Falls National Park, as part of their continued support of UWA. For over 14 years, the tournament has been held in MFNP, with visitors coming from all points of the globe to sample Uganda’s world-class sport fishing. Having previously supported ranger stations, the refurbishment of UWA response vehicles and donated boats for anti-poaching work; the competitors and sponsors turned their attention to the educational facilities servicing the children of UWA staff and the surrounding community.

Georgie More and Gerald Burley were on hand to present Head Teacher Byakagba Marriam with Government approved desks for 250 students as well as blackboards, text books, a desktop computer and printer for teachers, sports equipment and stationary for the students. Peter Mbwebwe, Warden Tourism of MFNP, who played an integral role in supporting MFIFT 2014 and was present at the handover to represent UWA. “Its fantastic to be able to use our charitable event to help young people in the area to learn but also have fun during their school years. Hopefully this initial pledge demonstrates on a small scale, the tangible link between sustainable catch and release sport fishing, conservation of ALL species in Uganda and the benefits these efforts bring to local communities. The flora and fauna of Uganda is more valuable to the country when visited and photographed by many, rather than removed from the ecosystem for the benefit of a few. We look forward to meeting with stakeholders next year and continuing our support” Peter Baldwin, one of the organizers said.

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